Thursday, June 17, 2010

The First Hours of Young Adult Drug Rehab

There are many stages and many questions that individuals go through and have while contemplating checking in to drug rehab for addiction. Each situation is specific to the individual going through it and not every question can be answered universally. With some research and advice this life changing decision does not have to be scary. Hopefully this process is something that is supported by loved ones, but often times it is a path that is taken alone.

We all know denial is going to be an to deal with a young adult?
As a loved one it is not a time for harsh confrontation. Getting an addict help will require love, support and encouragement with strong boundaries. You want the person to self realize the truth and realness of their life. knowing the truth will set them free from being slaves to the lies.

What other issues will have to be addressed at a drug rehab center?
Our thoughts and feelings create our behaviors in life. Addressing the motivations behind our actions can lead to the positive changes that are necessary in addiction recovery. A quality young adult drug treatment center will help clients recognize thinking errors and give them the tools to correct them. Over time healthy life cycles will set in and long term sobriety will be attainable.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Young Adult Drug Rehab Group Activities

There is always a debate to whether individual therapy or group treatment is more beneficial to an addict seeking recovery. For anyone that has been through addiction rehab or works at a facility it is evident that both methods have positives and negatives and are both essential to long-term sobriety.

Therapeutic Group dynamics work a lot like college or work group settings. Peers in the group must work together distinguish strengths and weaknesses and take the necessary steps to get the most out of each other. If one group member is struggling it is important that the other peers recognize this and offer encouragement or help if possible.

In young adult drug rehab, it can be very effective to allow different settings and activities for the platform of the therapeutic group. Relationship building is as big of part of treatment as anything else in addiction recovery. If a group becomes stagnant, which may happen from time to time, a recreation activity that every peer can enjoy while applying some sort of personal growth – i.e. building relationships in a real life situation. Small inexpensive activities can go a long way to getting peers investing in treatment and in the well being of each other. Having a BBQ, Going to a Movie, Hitting some golf balls, or any other simple rapport building exercise can bring new life to a group.